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Desain Grafiti Our Favorite Family Recipe

Tema hari ke-9 ini harusnya mudah, tapi nyatanya bikin saya merenung lama.  Padahal cuma disuruh nulis resep masakan andalan keluarga.  Cuma nulis resep masakan doang, apa susahnya coba?Katanya ibu-ibu, yang lekat dengan tugas domestik di mana salah satunya adalah memasak.

When it comes, I am hopeless. Doesn�t mean I can not cook. I still can cook.  At least according to my husband and kids. What I meant by hopeless is like this.  If you ask me what is my favorite activities the I can assure you that you can not find cooking among those.

Yup, cooking is not my thing!

The reason for me to cook lately because none else does.  I don�t have maid who would help me like we used to do.  My husband can only good in preparing instant noodle.  So there you go.  

If today�s challenge theme is about family favorite receipts.  Then I am doomed!  Just like today.

Most of the time, it takes a lot of pressures and a huge motivation before I move my lazy buts to the kitchen.  I even decorate our dining room with following quote because it sounds so me, LOL.  Once you read it, I think you will have agree with my 9-yo son who said to me that his mother has a little intention for cooking.  You got it right, boy!

My kitchen rule of operations

As a matter of fact, I do like eating.  I can eat a whole big baking tray just by myself.  But that was long time ago, when Mom still around.  Lucky me, my Mom was good in cooking.  I just named it, and voila, the dishes is ready and served.  She can cook as good as pro's.  But honestly, who doesn't adore their mother's cooking?  I bet the whole children in this world does.

So when she passed away at the early of my youth, I not only lost her but also missed her delicious cooking.  I just realized then how regret I was for not learning to master this cooking things.  

One my favorite dish that she used prepared for us was macaroni schotel.  To my taste, none can make it as good as she did.  It took me plenty of practices and hours until I finally I could say that the taste is exactly the same with the ones Mom made for us.

I like this recipe so much which I posted it sometimes ago.  I could say this is my main recipe, our family recipe.  

  • 250gr macaroni, rebus hingga matang al dente dengan sedikit olive oil (bisa diganti minyak goreng).  Tiriskan.
  • 200 gr daging sapi cincang. 
  • Kocok lepas 2 telur ayam. 
  • Susu tawar, saya pakai UHT.  Banyaknya sesuaikan dengan volume telur.  Agar makaroni tidak terlalu kering namun juga tidak basah.
  • Garam dan lada.
  • 1 sdt daun basil, jika ada
  • 1 sdt Italian Seasoning, jika ada
  • 1 siung bawang putih yang besar, geprek 
  • 1 bawang bawang, cincang halus
  • Keju cheddar, sesuai selera, parut
  • 1 sdm mentega
  • 6 potong keju slice.  Atau iris keju mozarella dengan ketebalan kira-kira 0.5cm

  1. Lelehkan mentega hingga cair, jangan sampai mendidih.  Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga wangi.
  2. Lalu masukkan daging sapi cincang.  Masak hingga setengah matang.
  3. Campurkan tumisan daging ke dalam makaroni yang telah matang.
  4. Masukkan telur, susu dan parutan.  Aduk hingga rata.
  5. Koreksi rasa dengan lada dan garam.
  6. Tuangkan setengah adonan ke dalam pinggan tahan panas yang sudah diolesi mentega.
  7. Lalu ratakan keju slice atau potongan keju mozarella.
  8. Tuang kembali sisa adonan ke atasnya.  Ratakan permukaannya dengan parutan keju.
  9. Panggang kira-kira 45 menit atau hingga matang dengan oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu.

Do you want to know why I insert a cheese in between?  So you can have a melted cheese effect when you cut them in slice.  I am sure you going to love it!

Hari ke-9, 1 Day 1 Post Challenge

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