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Desain Grafiti 5 Reasons Why I Keep Blogging

When people asked why do they blogging.  The most common answer would be, "...because I like writing."

Is only "writing" good enough for blogging? It depends; it might yes or not.

Despite the fact someones like writing or not; when it comes to blogging, The Marketing Guru Seth Godin classifies 4 criteria:
  • First, people who have ideas -even a simple one- and wants to write them down.
  • Second, people who have dazzling thoughts to share with others.
  • Three, those who eagerly convey a truth
  • and last, Four, someone who is determined their passion in persistent.
And where am I on those four groups?  Let's have a look one-by-one.

  • Am I having dazzling thoughts to share?  Err....difficult to say as I am not there yet LOL.
  • Do I convey a truth about something?  I am not a saint or priest, so I left this option open.
  • Looking at a number of blogs posts so far, check my Blog Archive, I could tell I hardly convince you if I'm a persistent blogger.
So yep, I am in criteria #1!

I am an ordinary working-mom who likes sharing ideas.  Well, not only ideas.  Sometimes I also write stories or even just opinion.  I thought it's a waste if they're only sitting on my minds.  No harms for sharing a good piece, yes?

Is happiness the only thing that keeps me blogging?  

Apparently not.

Story To Tell

Everyone has a story to tell. It may sound cheesy but it's the truth.

When I'm sharing mine, I hope it is entertaining and inspirational at the same time. Hopefully, I have accomplished the goal.

Learning Cycle

Supposing you think that writing is enough for blogging, well sorry to say it is not, my friend. It takes a lot -again-a LOTS more than just writing. Especially when we are a mom blogger without an engineering background.

There is a moment when you start to realize why your blogger's fellow post got viral while yours is not. And you surprise why others have high pageview but not yours. Next, you are questioning why your blog post never recognizes by Google engine. It will end up with an exhaustive list, which happens to me as well.

What did I do to answer those why(s)?

None other than learning. I browse and read countless articles about blogging tips, particularly from overseas. When Youtube hike, I watched the video tutorial too. I even subscribe to free online courses.

Did I do that at the same time? Certainly nope.

My learning pace just like a baby step; one at a time. I choose a subject by an interest or by problems occurs due to blogging. Normally "problems" success in forcing me to learn thoroughly, seek a solution to make ??.

Without knowing, we become a tech-savvy. ??

Blogging time @kukicafebogor  

Communities and Networking

The learning cycle has bridged me with communitiesThis group of people with same interest become my learning pot and my social engagement.

Moreover, we need to join the crowd to get involved with the conversation.  No, it is not for us to look "cool" but it is more to keep us updated.

Self Esteem

Remember Maslow's Theory?

After fulfilling their basic need, a man will satisfy their hunger for self-esteem and actualization.  People have a million ways for a showcase.  Somehow blogging is not only fashionable for me, but also self-proven.  

It took me by surprise that I can write and people read it.  It may in my gene but I just didn't know it.  So I may take it for granted if I waste this gift from God.  Agree?


Among all senses people are blogging these days, I think this is the most compelling reasons.  When I started blogging eight years ago, it was purely for the sake of fun.  Never cross my mind this online journal will provide me with many opportunities.  It changed the moment one agency dropped an email, pursuing me to work with them.  Ever since blogging is not the same as it was before.

Blogging takes me to the land I've never imagined.  From product influencer to a reviewer; invited by a restaurant and hotel to share the experience of using their services.  Those are few privileges I could enjoy as a blogger.

Is that all?  As if one door opens and leads me to another one.  Blogging embraces me to another form of passion for photography.  Eventually, these are the dynamite duo when you know how to play with them.  For those who blog knows the mantra; content is the king.  Therefore writing skill is crucial.  If we able to beautify with stunning images, it surely boosts the result.

When I looked back, I was amazed by how far blogging has put me to where I am standing now.  Yet, wondering where it will take me next.

Nevertheless, I always come back to where I belong; writing to share.


#bloggerperempuan #BPN30dayChallenge2018

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