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Desain Grafiti Third Wave Coffee Co Bogor

Henry Matisse said; creativity takes courage.  I think the same courage when the owner of the Third Wave turns his garage into a coffee shop.  Perhaps, Mr. Matisse also inspires Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, who did the same thing; starting the business from a garage.

So, after managed two times visits; I definitely fall in love about with three things from this coffee shop.  Its Green Latte, poffertjes and interior design.

The first two because the latte and the cake are not too sweet.  For the interior design, it is simple yet catchy.  An Instagram-able enough to miss.  Just explore the angle around the place by yourself.

 Let these pictures speak for themselves.

Welcome view when you opened the door

The open kitchen and order section


View from the top

The alley

Come by during week day or right after they open on week end, those are times when the place is not packed so you could enjoy the place as if your own.


Third Wave Coffee Co Indonesia
No 1, Jl. Prof. DR. H. Andi Hakim Nasoetion, 
Tegallega, Central Bogor, 
Bogor City, West Java 16129

Open: 10AM - 10PM

Phone: 0815-8156-506

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